email marketing

best 5 freelance Email Marketing

email marketing
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Maya Khans

Email marketing is a powerful tool that has revolutionized the way businesses connect with their customers. It is the process of sending commercial messages to a group of people through email. With the rise of digital communication, email has become a crucial part of any marketing strategy, providing businesses with a direct line of communication with their customers.

Email marketing is not only cost-effective, but it also has a high ROI compared to other marketing channels. It allows businesses to build relationships with their customers, nurture leads, and promote their products and services effectively. Email marketing is a must-have for any business looking to grow its customer base and increase its revenue.

1 – Setup your mailchimp email template or newsletters by Avinash

With over six to seven years of experience in designing captivating email newsletters, innovative web pages, landing pages, and corporate pages, I possess exceptional design skills in Photoshop that enable me to create mock-up designs. As a highly creative individual, I am confident that I can demonstrate my skills and abilities if given the opportunity.


  • Email marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Mailchimp
  • Responsive design
  • Photo Editing
  • Photoshop editing
  • Graphic design
  • Email template
  • HTML5

2 – Setup Powermta SMTP server in your server with Mailwizz by Bikram A

With close to seven years of experience in Linux system administration, I specialize in administering Debian and CentOS servers. My expertise includes server configuration, optimization, and setup. Additionally, I have extensive knowledge of email servers such as Postfix, Dovecot, Exim4, and PowerMTA, as well as web servers like Apache, NGINX, and LS. I have proficiency in server panel tools such as VestaCP, cPanel, Plesk, and WebUzo. I possess significant experience in email and deliverability, and I can host high-traffic websites on VPS/Dedicated servers and optimize them for optimal performance.


  • Linux system administration
  • Server configuration and optimization
  • Email server administration
  • Web server administration
  • Server panel tools (VestaCP, cPanel, Plesk, WebUzo)
  • High-traffic website hosting
  • Performance optimization.

3 – Setup e-commerce email marketing flows in Klaviyo by Taimoor A

I have nearly a decade of experience in the digital marketing industry and am passionate about helping great brands effectively communicate with their customers through the right words and channels. Over the years, I have worked in various industries such as software, healthcare, real estate, and e-commerce, and have gained extensive knowledge of media buying, email marketing, and brand growth strategies.

My specialty lies in email marketing, and I have helped numerous e-commerce brands achieve profitability through the use of effective email campaigns. I am well-versed in email marketing platforms such as Klaviyo and have a talent for creating engaging and impactful content. Additionally, I possess expertise in Shopify marketing and customer service, making me a well-rounded digital marketer.


  • Email marketing
  • Klaviyo
  • Content creation/writing
  • Shopify marketing
  • Customer service.

4 – Build bulk smtp server to send an unlimited email with mailwizz BY Rasal

My mission is to help my clients achieve success. As a Linux server administrator and email marketing specialist, I am committed to delivering the best results for your business. I offer a comprehensive and cost-effective email marketing solution that will help you achieve your marketing goals. In addition to email marketing, I can also create sales funnels, landing pages, and WordPress websites to support your marketing efforts. I am proficient in fixing WordPress em5 – ail deliverability issues as well.

If you would like to learn more or schedule an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, and I look forward to working with you.


  • Email marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Sales funnel creation
  • Landing page creation
  • WordPress website development
  • WordPress email deliverability issue resolution

5 – design a professional HTML email template or newsletter by Sushant Yadav

Over the past two years, I have been dedicated to designing and developing high-quality websites for clients across various industries such as fashion, real estate, and eCommerce. I have created over 5000+ email designs during this time, and I am confident in my ability to help with your email campaign needs. If you require assistance or would like to learn more about my services, please feel free to reach out to me. All information will be kept confidential, and I am committed to providing unbeatable rates to my clients. Don’t wait another moment – let’s get started!


  • WordPress development
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • HTML5
  • WooCommerce
  • Bootstrap
  • Web development
  • jQuery
  • MySQL
  • CSS3


What is the best email marketing tool?

there are some popular and widely used email marketing tools such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, HubSpot, AWeber, ConvertKit, and many others. Each of these tools has its own unique features and pricing plans, so it’s important to carefully consider your requirements before choosing the one that works best for you. It’s always a good idea to read reviews, compare features and pricing, and try out free trials before making a final decision.

Why is email marketing important?

Email marketing is important for several reasons:
Building Relationships: Email marketing allows businesses to connect with their audience in a personalized way, helping to build and nurture relationships with customers.
Cost-effective: Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing channels available, allowing businesses to reach a large number of customers without spending a lot of money.
Targeted: Email marketing allows businesses to target specific audiences with personalized messaging and offers, making it a highly effective way to reach the right people with the right message.
Measurable: Email marketing provides businesses with detailed analytics and data, allowing them to track and measure the success of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions.
Boost Sales: Email marketing can help businesses increase sales and revenue by promoting products or services, offering exclusive deals and discounts, and driving traffic to their website.
Overall, email marketing is an effective and efficient way to communicate with customers, build relationships, and drive sales.

What are some email marketing tips and tricks?

Here are some tips and tricks for effective email marketing:
Personalize your emails: Personalized emails have higher open and click-through rates than generic emails. Use segmentation to target specific groups and personalize your messages based on their preferences, behavior, and location.
Keep it short and sweet: People receive a lot of emails every day, so it’s important to keep your messages concise and to the point. Use clear, concise subject lines and get to the point quickly.
Mobile optimization: The majority of people check their emails on their mobile devices, so it’s crucial that your emails are mobile-friendly and optimized for smaller screens.
A/B testing: Testing different elements of your emails, such as subject lines, calls to action, and images, can help you optimize your campaigns and improve your results over time.
Clear calls-to-action: Your emails should have clear and prominent calls-to-action (CTAs) that direct your subscribers to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or visiting your website.
Test your emails: Test your emails across different email clients, devices, and browsers to ensure they look and function as intended.
Follow email marketing best practices: Follow email marketing best practices such as getting permission from subscribers, including an unsubscribe link, and avoiding spammy content.
By implementing these tips and tricks, you can improve the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns and achieve better results.

Final thought

Email marketing is an essential tool for any business looking to connect with its customers effectively. It provides businesses with a direct line of communication with their customers, allowing them to build relationships, promote products and services, and increase revenue. With the rise of digital communication, email marketing has become a must-have for businesses of all sizes. If you’re not already using email marketing to reach your customers, now is the time to start. With the right strategy and approach, email marketing can help you grow your business and achieve your marketing goals.

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