guest posting

best 5 freelance Guest Posting

guest posting
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Published by
Maya Khans

The introduction is the first impression that your guest post will make on readers. It should be captivating, informative, and engaging. It’s important to hook the reader and make them want to read on. You can start with a thought-provoking question, an interesting fact or statistic, or a personal story that relates to the topic of your guest post. You should also give a brief overview of what your guest post will cover.

1 – Publish an interview or article on google news by Quinten

The Ritz Herald, headquartered in New York City, has been recognized by various prestigious entities, including U.S. federal and state government agencies, Forbes Business Council, The Associated Press, NBC, and others, for breaking news stories.

To avail of the services offered by The Ritz Herald, you need to provide a WORD file containing a title, subtitle, and a unique article with a length of around 700 words, as well as a high-resolution JPG file. You will benefit from a permanent post on The Ritz Herald, as well as exposure through Google News Tab and App indexes, submission to BING, Google Newsstand index, News Break App index (subject to availability), and Google Top Stories index (subject to availability). Moreover, for every 100 words, you will receive DoFollow DR66 DA57 PA49 links and have the right to use the citation “As Featured In The Ritz Herald.”

You can embed YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, and Spotify content in your submission. Please note that all submissions undergo editorial checks for grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure problems, misused words, typos, and other issues.

2 – Publish the article on high da travel guest posts by Anil Baswal

This Gig offers potent in-content guest post links with high DA that can enhance your backlink profile effectively. We deliver real results through authentic blogs that cater to a targeted readership and align with Google’s guidelines.

We specialize in creating well-researched content that includes a ghost-written style and your website URL. Our focus is on publishing high DA travel guest posts with do-follow backlinks that are Google-friendly and have a DR of 77, a DA of 63, over 70k daily visitors, and an 11-year domain age. Furthermore, our blogs are approved by Google News.

At all times, we adhere to 100% white-hat link-building principles, avoiding PBNs, link farms, and links from websites with algorithmic penalties. Our approach is to create natural high DA backlinks that comply with Google’s 2023 Guidelines.

We also offer guest posts on high DA sites in various niches, including Beauty & Fitness, Cleaning & Organization, Dental Care, Food, Entertainment, Environment, Fashion & Lifestyle, Gym and Workout, Hair Care, Health & Fitness, Holidays, Home & Décor, Home Improvement, Moms, Pregnancy, Supplements, Travel, Wedding, Dating, Parenting, Pets, CBD, Cannabis, Marijuana, Weed, Kratom, Hemp, Vape & THC, among others.

3 – Publish an interview or article on Hudson weekly by Quinten

The Hudson Weekly is a news source that can be followed and is featured on Google Newsstand, as one of the many editions of The Ritz Herald in New York, NY.

To utilize the services provided by The Hudson Weekly, you will need to submit a WORD file containing a title, subtitle, and a unique article of approximately 700 words, as well as a high-resolution JPG file. The publication accepts topics related to Business, Fintech, Lifestyle, Entertainment, Arts, Music, Sports, Fashion, Health, Travel, Environment, Science, Gadgets, Telecom, Cybersecurity, Apps, Auto, Gadgets, Crypto, NFTs, and CBD.

You can embed YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, and Spotify content in your submission. If you wish to expand your reach, additional news outlets are available for purchase during checkout.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions regarding this service.

4 – write and publish 15 high authority do follow guest posts by Digitalredcube

High-domain authority backlinks serve as the foundation for a website. A single high-quality backlink is preferred over numerous spammy backlinks. Our guest posting service can provide High Authority DA 40 to 90+ Dofollow Backlinks permanently to help boost your website’s Google ranking.

Our gig offers the following features:

  • Guest posting with a High DA
  • 100% Dofollow Backlinks for SEO (No Nofollow)
  • Permanent links
  • Completely On-Page SEO-Optimized Content
  • Low Spam Score
  • Increased DA, PA, DR, TF, and CF
  • Each blog generates millions of monthly visitors
  • Indexable by Google (90% indexing Rate in 1 week)
  • Websites ages are up to 20 years
  • Each blog has thousands of ranked keywords

To utilize our services, we require keywords and URLs for your websites according to the package you choose. You can also provide instructions for the articles if you wish.

5 – Publish tech guest posts of high da authority do follow backlinks by Anil Baswal

Are you aware that having a backlink from a Google News-approved guest post site can significantly enhance your off-page SEO strategy? A single do-follow backlink from such a site is worth a thousand links from a normal website.

In this gig, we offer a technology guest post service where we write and publish an article on our Google News-approved blog. Our tech guest post GIG SEO statics include a DA of 78, DR of 67, Ahrefs traffic of 35.7K, and a domain age of 13 years.

Benefits of our technology guest post service include a Google search-optimized article with a do-follow backlink, a 100% natural post in a relevant category, audience support with our high organic traffic, and a high-quality backlink from a Google, Yahoo, and Bing-approved quality site. We also add internal and external links to improve SEO and make the article appear more natural.

Our blog categories include apps, internet, gadgets review, software, computer, laptop, technology, electronics, mobile apps, games, tech news, cyber security, and anything relevant to technology. We also offer high DA guest post sites in other niches such as health, beauty, fashion, lifestyle, wedding, music, shopping, business, finance, home improvement, interior design, architecture, home and garden, cryptocurrency, travel, and tourism.


How can I write guest posts on blogs and websites?

Writing guest posts for blogs and websites can be a great way to increase your visibility, establish yourself as an expert in your field, and drive traffic to your own website. Here are some steps to help you get started:
Identify relevant blogs and websites: Look for websites and blogs that are relevant to your niche or industry. You can use search engines or social media to find websites that accept guest posts. Make sure that the website has an engaged audience and that your content would be a good fit.
Read the guidelines: Before submitting a guest post, make sure to read the guidelines carefully. Each website or blog will have its own guidelines for guest posts, including word count, tone, and formatting requirements. Pay attention to the guidelines to ensure that your post will be accepted.
Pitch your idea: Once you have identified a relevant website or blog and read its guidelines, it’s time to pitch your idea. Most websites will have a contact form or email address for guest post submissions. Write a brief email introducing yourself, your idea, and how it fits with the website’s audience. Be sure to explain why your idea would be valuable to their readers.
Write the post: Once your idea has been approved, it’s time to start writing your post. Make sure to follow the website’s guidelines and tailor your content to their audience. Aim to provide value to the reader and avoid overly promotional language.
Submit and follow up: When you have finished your post, submit it according to the website’s guidelines. Be patient and wait for a response. If you don’t hear back after a week or two, follow up with a polite email to check on the status of your post.
Remember, the key to successful guest posting is to provide value to the website’s audience. Focus on creating high-quality content that is informative, engaging, and relevant to their readers. Good luck!

Which are the free guest post sites?

There are many free guest post sites available on the internet, but the quality and relevance of these sites can vary widely. Here are some websites that allow guest posting for free:
The Huffington Post (now HuffPost)
Please note that while these websites allow guest posting for free, they may have certain guidelines and requirements that you need to follow. Make sure to read their guidelines carefully before submitting your guest post to ensure that it meets their standards. Additionally, it’s important to focus on quality over quantity when it comes to guest posting. Choose websites that are relevant to your niche or industry and have an engaged audience to get the most out of your guest posting efforts.

What is Guest Posting in SEO?

Guest posting in SEO refers to the practice of creating content and publishing it on another website or blog as a guest author in order to get a backlink to your own website. The purpose of guest posting is to increase the visibility of your website and to improve your website’s search engine rankings by acquiring high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites.
In a guest post, you create content that is relevant to the website or blog you are writing for, and includes a link back to your own website or a specific page on your website that you want to promote. The link that you include in your guest post is called a “backlink”, which is essentially a vote of confidence from the host website to your website. Backlinks are a key ranking factor for search engines like Google, and having high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites can help improve your website’s search engine rankings.
However, it’s important to note that guest posting should not be used as a spammy or manipulative tactic to get backlinks. Search engines like Google are constantly evolving their algorithms to identify and penalize websites that engage in spammy or manipulative practices. Therefore, it’s important to focus on creating high-quality, valuable content that is relevant to the host website’s audience, and to include backlinks in a natural and non-spammy way.
Guest posting can be a valuable SEO strategy when done correctly, but it should be approached as a long-term, relationship-building tactic rather than a quick fix for improving search engine rankings.

Can you suggest some high-quality sites for guest posting?

Sure, here are some high-quality websites that accept guest posts in a variety of niches:
Forbes –
Entrepreneur –
Inc. –
Fast Company –
Mashable –
TechCrunch –
The Huffington Post (now HuffPost) –
Medium –
Business Insider –
Lifehack –
Social Media Today –
Search Engine Journal –
MarketingProfs –
Smashing Magazine –
Moz –
Please note that these websites have strict guidelines and requirements for guest posts, and they are typically more selective about the guest posts they accept. It’s important to do your research and ensure that your content is relevant and of high quality before pitching your guest post to these websites. Additionally, these websites may have a long lead time for guest posts, so be prepared to wait several weeks or even months for your guest post to be published.

Final thought

Taking small steps to prioritize self-care can have a significant impact on your overall health and happiness. Whether it’s taking a few minutes each day to meditate or setting aside time for a hobby that you enjoy, the key is to find what works best for you and stick with it. By making self-care a priority, you’ll be better equipped to handle whatever life throws your way. Thank you for reading, and I hope you found this guest post helpful!

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