linkedin profiles

best 5 freelance LinkedIn Profiles

linkedin profiles
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Maya Khans

In today’s digital age, professional networking has transcended traditional boundaries, thanks to platforms like LinkedIn. A LinkedIn profile serves as a digital gateway to the professional world, offering individuals a unique opportunity to showcase their skills, experiences, and aspirations to a global audience. Whether you’re a recent graduate embarking on your career journey or a seasoned professional looking to expand your network, a well-crafted LinkedIn profile can be a powerful tool for personal branding and career advancement. This introduction delves into the significance of LinkedIn profiles as more than just digital resumes, but as dynamic representations of one’s professional identity.

1 – Design, revamp, or optimize your linkedin profile by Steven Leitch

Have you found yourself perplexed by the lack of responses to your LinkedIn outreach? Is the intricacy of the platform causing you distress? I am here to offer my assistance.

Drawing from my extensive experience in the field of HR, I have garnered a treasure trove of invaluable insights into crafting an exceptional LinkedIn profile. I am poised to extend this expertise to your benefit.

Service Tiers:

  1. LinkedIn Starter Package:
    • Tailored biography for your LinkedIn profile.
    • A choice of two distinct headline options.
  2. LinkedIn Business Package:All features of the Starter Package plus:
    • Five headline alternatives to choose from.
    • Comprehensive composition of four job descriptions.
    • Incorporation of fifteen skills to enhance your profile.

2 –  Fully upgrade your LinkedIn profile by Richard Lambert

This LinkedIn service has been crafted to harness the complete spectrum of networking and recruitment capabilities offered by LinkedIn. Its primary objective is to elevate your visibility to headhunters and recruiters, utilizing the platform’s extensive reach.

It’s important to note that this service is tailored for individuals seeking employment opportunities with companies, rather than for promoting businesses.

Here’s how the process unfolds:

  1. Submit a succinct, two-page maximum resume along with your LinkedIn URL (link).
  2. I will compose a comprehensive professional summary (the ‘about’ section) in a Word document.
  3. I will enhance your job descriptions extensively, all within the same Word document as step #2.
  4. Once you incorporate this content into your LinkedIn profile, I will perform a thorough multi-point review of your entire profile to ensure comprehensive optimization.

Anticipated Outcomes:

As a result of this service, my clients have commonly reported a remarkable 300% upsurge in LinkedIn traffic.

3 – write and optimize your linkedin profile by Karen Roziner

I go by the name Karen Roziner, and I hold the conviction that every individual should have an equitable opportunity for self-actualization.

I am a resolute and ambitious individual, proficient in the realms of resume building, LinkedIn optimization, and interview triumph. With a track record spanning more than a decade, I’ve been actively engaged in recruiting, guiding, and honing individuals to reach elevated career pinnacles. While progressing through my role as a customer service manager, I discovered my fervor for propelling each team member towards personal and professional advancement, thus enabling them to achieve self-fulfillment. Today, my purpose is to extend this dedication to you.

4 – write a powerful linkedin profile by Georgia Austin

Being the premier platform for both individuals and businesses aiming to expand their professional connections or showcase their expertise, it’s imperative to possess an exceptional profile that effectively portrays your strengths and captivates your intended audience. This is precisely where I can be of assistance.

Through this service, I am equipped to provide:

  1. Original content meticulously tailored for LinkedIn.
  2. Thorough proofreading and skillful editing.
  3. Comprehensive competitor and keyword research.
  4. Articulation of a distinct tone of voice (whether for your personal profile or business representation).

Drawing from my professional background as a trained copywriter, content writer, editor, and digital marketing specialist, which spans over seven years, I have collaborated with renowned brands such as AMEX, Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, Toshiba, and Joe & The Juice. This tenure has granted me a profound understanding of the significance of crafting compelling text that propels you toward your growth aspirations. Whether your aim is to position yourself for a fresh role or to allure a broader client base for your enterprise, I am at your service as your trusted LinkedIn content creator.

5 – Optimize your linkedin profile by Charmaine Pocek

I am Charmaine Pocek, a Resume Writer and Corporate Recruiter with three distinct certifications, operating from within the United States. My professional journey spans over 17 years, encompassing a diverse range of industries.

I initiated my Fiverr writing endeavors in 2011, garnering an impressive tally of more than 22,000 positive reviews collectively! The recognition I have achieved on Fiverr has been highlighted in esteemed publications such as Forbes, The Huffington Post, The Ladders, Glassdoor, The Houston Chronicle, and various others.

In today’s landscape, a compelling LinkedIn profile holds equal significance alongside a robust resume. Potential employers often scrutinize your LinkedIn presence to assess your credibility. I offer an intricately detailed Word document, meticulously guiding you through the process of implementing changes and enhancements.

My PREMIUM service encompasses:

  1. Crafting an attention-commanding title that converges with your career objectives.
  2. Formulating a compelling bio/summary to promptly establish respect.
  3. Transforming ALL content to emphasize accomplishments.
  4. Maximizing the utilization of pertinent keywords to bolster your search ranking.
  5. Providing suggestions for supplementary LinkedIn categories to ensure a comprehensive profile.
  6. Highlighting your educational attainments and certifications.
  7. Strategically prioritizing the significance of each section to amplify visibility.


LinkedIn: What makes a LinkedIn profile great?

A great LinkedIn profile stands out by effectively showcasing your professional identity, accomplishments, and aspirations. Here are key elements that contribute to a strong LinkedIn profile:
Professional Photo: Use a high-quality, professional-looking headshot as your profile picture. A clear, well-lit photo can make a positive first impression.
Headline: Your headline appears right under your name and is one of the first things people see. Craft a concise headline that highlights your current role, expertise, and value proposition.
Summary: Write a compelling summary that captures your professional journey, key skills, accomplishments, and future goals. This is an opportunity to showcase your personality and unique qualities.
Experience: Detail your work history, starting with your current or most recent position. Use bullet points to highlight your responsibilities, achievements, and quantifiable results. Focus on how you added value and contributed to your roles.
Skills and Endorsements: List relevant skills and ensure they accurately reflect your expertise. You can also seek endorsements from colleagues and connections to validate your skills.
Recommendations: These are written endorsements from colleagues, supervisors, or clients. Genuine recommendations can add credibility to your profile.
Accomplishments: Include sections for awards, certifications, courses, projects, publications, and other notable achievements. These showcase your commitment to continuous learning and professional growth.
Education: Provide details about your educational background, including degrees earned, institutions attended, and relevant honors.
Engagement: Actively engage with content by commenting, liking, and sharing posts. This demonstrates your interest in your field and increases your visibility.
Custom URL: Create a custom URL for your profile that includes your name. This makes it easier to share your profile and improves search engine visibility.
Background Photo: The background photo at the top of your profile allows for personalization. Choose an image that complements your professional brand or represents your industry.
Contact Information: Make it easy for others to connect with you by including your contact information. This can include your email address, website, or other professional social media handles.
Volunteer Experience and Causes: If applicable, showcase any volunteer work or causes you’re passionate about. This adds depth to your profile and highlights your values.
Keywords and SEO: Incorporate relevant keywords in your headline, summary, and experience descriptions. This helps your profile appear in search results when recruiters or professionals are looking for specific skills.
Consistency: Maintain consistency in terms of the tone, style, and information presented across your profile. This creates a cohesive and professional impression.
Remember that your LinkedIn profile is more than just an online resume; it’s an opportunity to tell your professional story, connect with others, and position yourself effectively within your industry. Regularly update your profile to reflect your latest accomplishments and aspirations.

How do I find a job on LinkedIn?

Finding a job on LinkedIn involves a combination of proactive searching, networking, and leveraging the platform’s features. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you:
Optimize Your Profile: Before you start searching for jobs, ensure that your LinkedIn profile is complete and showcases your skills, experience, and aspirations. This is crucial because potential employers will review your profile.
Set Job Preferences: LinkedIn allows you to set job preferences such as location, industry, job type, and more. This helps the platform suggest relevant job openings to you.
Search for Jobs:
Use the LinkedIn job search feature to look for positions that align with your skills and goals.
Utilize filters to narrow down your search by industry, location, experience level, and more.
Save Searches: If you’re not ready to apply to a job immediately, save the search criteria for the job you’re interested in. LinkedIn will notify you when new jobs that match your criteria are posted.
Apply Directly: When you find a job that suits you, click on it to see the job description. If you’re interested, you can usually apply directly through LinkedIn by submitting your profile or a customized resume and cover letter.
Connect and Network: Building and nurturing your professional network on LinkedIn can help you discover more job opportunities. Connect with colleagues, industry peers, and recruiters to expand your connections.
Follow Companies: Follow companies you’re interested in working for. This will not only keep you updated about their latest news and openings but also demonstrate your interest.
Engage with Content: Engaging with industry-related content, posting your thoughts, and commenting on others’ posts can increase your visibility and make you more appealing to recruiters.
Join Groups: Participate in LinkedIn groups related to your industry. This can be a great way to network, learn from others, and stay informed about job openings.
Use the “Easy Apply” Feature: Some job postings offer an “Easy Apply” option. This allows you to apply using your LinkedIn profile with just a few clicks.
Reach Out to Recruiters: If you come across a job posted by a recruiter, don’t hesitate to connect with them and express your interest. Many recruiters actively search for potential candidates on the platform.
Get Recommendations and Endorsements: Having recommendations and endorsements from colleagues and supervisors can enhance your profile’s credibility.
Check the Jobs Tab Regularly: The “Jobs” tab on LinkedIn is a hub for job postings, company updates, and insights. Visit this section regularly to stay updated.
Consider Premium Features: LinkedIn offers premium subscription plans that can provide additional benefits, such as increased visibility to recruiters and access to advanced job search features.
Be Patient and Persistent: Finding the right job takes time. Keep refining your search, connecting with professionals, and applying to positions that align with your skills and interests.
Remember that job hunting on LinkedIn is not just about applying to as many positions as possible. Building meaningful connections and engaging with the platform’s features can significantly enhance your job search success.

Final thought

In a world where virtual connections are increasingly vital, LinkedIn profiles provide an invaluable channel for professionals to make their mark. These digital canvases enable individuals to share their narratives, achievements, and aspirations, fostering meaningful connections with peers, mentors, and potential employers. By harnessing the potential of a compelling LinkedIn profile, individuals can position themselves at the forefront of professional opportunities and industry trends. As the professional landscape continues to evolve, cultivating a robust online presence through a well-crafted LinkedIn profile is not just an option but a necessity. So, whether you’re shaping your first profile or revamping an existing one, remember that your LinkedIn profile is more than a static page – it’s a dynamic tool that empowers you to shape your professional journey.

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