resume writing

best 5 freelance Resume Writing

resume writing
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Published by
Maya Khans

In the competitive landscape of the modern job market, a well-crafted resume serves as your first impression on potential employers. It is a succinct summary of your skills, experiences, and achievements, designed to captivate the reader’s attention and showcase your suitability for the desired position. Resume writing is an art that requires a keen understanding of the industry, a strategic approach to highlighting your strengths, and an effective organization of information. This introductory guide delves into the key elements of resume writing, offering valuable insights to help you create a compelling document that opens doors to exciting career opportunities.

1 – Write a fully optimized resume and cover letter by Kristina

I specialize in crafting resumes for various career stages, including entry-level, mid-career, career change, and middle management roles. If you’re seeking an executive-level resume, please reach out to me via message before placing your order. This will allow us to have a detailed discussion about your specific requirements first.

If you currently don’t possess a resume, kindly initiate a message so that we can have a preliminary conversation about the necessary details before you proceed to make an order.

For the basic package, all that’s required is your existing CV/resume and the job description of the role you’re applying for. Subsequently, I will generate a one-page professional resume tailored to your needs.

Opting for the standard package will involve sharing your current CV/resume and the job description of your intended position. With this information, I will craft a fresh, one-page professional resume, along with an accompanying cover letter.

For the premium package, I will meticulously design a customized two to three-page CV/resume, aligning it precisely with the requirements of your target job. Alongside this, I will compose an elegantly worded, professional cover letter. Both documents will be carefully phrased to distinctly capture the attention of hiring managers and recruiters, elevating your application.

2 – Review your resume and cover letter for your dream job by Elizabeth C

  • Engage in multiple complete readings of both your resume and cover letter, even vocalizing them aloud.
  • Adhere to a comprehensive proofreading checklist that I’ve developed.
  • For the Premium tier, undertake rewriting to accentuate your strengths and enhance the finesse of your professional journey.
  • Furnish you with a version that bears my suggested revisions visibly, alongside a pristine version ready for immediate use.

Why collaborate with me?

I bring to the table substantial expertise as an editor and proofreader, adept at discerning errors and rectifying common missteps. My background in client services assures you an interaction characterized by efficiency, amiability, and the highest degree of professionalism.

3 – Review, rewrite, and improve your resume with a professional format by Jordan W

Thank you for taking the time to assess my profile and gig. Please feel free to reach out with any queries or if you require customized solutions tailored to your needs. If you wish to retain your current format and design, kindly initiate a message for a consultation, allowing us to explore how I can be of assistance.

Package 1 ($45) – Enhancing Resume Structure, Editing, & Refinement

This comprehensive package involves a thorough evaluation of your existing resume or CV, with the aim of refining its content and formatting to align with professional standards. This encompasses:

  • Rewriting sentences and bullet points for enhanced clarity and impact.
  • Ensuring compatibility with ATS (Applicant Tracking System) formats for optimized visibility.
  • Incorporating or revising sections such as Professional Summary, Skills, Education, Work Experience, and more.
  • Streamlining the flow of your resume or CV for seamless coherence.
  • Maintaining a consistent and visually appealing format that enables Hiring Managers to swiftly identify your qualifications.

Additionally, for a mere supplementary fee of $20, I am equipped to compose a compelling cover letter to complement your application.

With over 7 years of extensive experience within the recruiting industry, I possess an in-depth familiarity with daily resume composition. My expertise spans assisting numerous candidates in securing positions across diverse spheres, including small, mid-size, and Fortune 500 companies. Each successful placement has been underpinned by meticulous resume consultations.

4 – Proofread, edit, and enhance your CV by Trystan R

Distinguish yourself in the fiercely competitive job market by presenting a meticulously proofread, edited, and elevated CV meticulously tailored for engineering and tech industry job pursuits.

As a native English speaker adept in written communication and armed with a technical background in the engineering and tech sectors, I bring a firsthand comprehension of job applications and a keen familiarity with contemporary processes like ATS. My approach steers clear of reliance on AI or spellcheckers; I provide authentic understanding and insights to refine your CV to perfection.

What this service encompasses:

  • Thorough proofreading and editing of CV content to ensure accuracy, clarity, and compelling impact.
  • Enhancement of layout and formatting for both chronological and skills-based CV arrangements.
  • Concise modification of your CV to adhere to specific length criteria without sacrificing pivotal information.
  • Generation of easily maintainable and optimized files for a CV that can be reused efficiently.

This offering is exceptionally well-suited for recent graduates aspiring to join English-speaking companies in the UK, US, and EU, as well as seasoned professionals seeking to update their CVs.

Forge an indelible initial impression with a polished and expertly crafted CV that showcases your proficiencies and qualifications. Collaboratively, we can elevate your job quest, significantly amplifying your likelihood of securing that coveted dream role!

5 – Provide professional resume writing services by Cameron G

Seize a time-limited opportunity with a generous 20% discount, propelling yourself ahead of your competitors and steering your journey toward landing your next job.

Kindly reach out to me prior to placing your order to unlock your exclusive 20% discount.

Expertise in: Professional Resume Writing, Cover Letter Crafting, LinkedIn Profile Enhancement

Are you on the quest for that ideal job? Your search ends here! I possess the proficiency to guide you. My specialization lies in creating ATS-optimized resumes, ensuring tangible outcomes across entry-level, professional, and executive positions.

Here’s why I stand out:

  • ATS-Conformant Content: I masterfully craft professional resume layouts that undergo meticulous optimization, ensuring they sail through the Applicant Tracking System and secure visibility with recruiters.
  • Accomplishment-Driven, Keyword-Focused Writing: My forte lies in constructing resumes brimming with accomplishments tailored to your particular industry, significantly enhancing your prospects of securing the interview you rightfully deserve.
  • Adaptability: The resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles I curate can be seamlessly tailored to align with diverse job roles you aspire to pursue in the future.

Available Packages:

Basic – Skillfully Crafted Resume/CV

Standard – Expertly Crafted Resume/CV + Thoughtful Cover Letter

Premium – Expertly Crafted Resume/CV + Thoughtful Cover Letter + Enhanced LinkedIn Profile Optimization

Empower your job-seeking journey with my services and leverage a 20% discount that’s here for a limited time. Together, let’s pave the path to your next career milestone!


What are the best tips for writing a resume?

Writing an effective resume is crucial to making a strong first impression on potential employers. Here are some tips to help you create a compelling resume:
Tailor for the Job: Customize your resume for each specific job application. Highlight relevant skills, experiences, and accomplishments that match the job description.
Choose the Right Format:
Chronological: List your work experiences in reverse chronological order (most recent first). This format is suitable if you have a strong work history in the same field.
Functional: Emphasize skills and qualifications rather than focusing on work history. This format is useful if you’re changing careers or have gaps in your work history.
Combination/Hybrid: Blend aspects of both chronological and functional formats to showcase both your skills and work history.
Contact Information: Include your full name, phone number, email address, and optionally, your LinkedIn profile. Make sure your email address is professional.
Summary or Objective Statement: Write a concise summary or objective that highlights your key skills and career goals. This is optional but can help provide context to your application.
Key Skills: Create a section that lists your relevant skills. Use keywords from the job description to show you’re a good fit for the role.
Work Experience:
Use bullet points to describe your accomplishments, not just your responsibilities.
Quantify achievements with specific numbers or percentages where possible (e.g., “increased sales by 20%”).
Focus on results and impact rather than just listing tasks.
Education: Include your educational background, starting with the most recent degree. Mention the degree earned, institution name, graduation date, and any honors or relevant coursework.
Achievements and Awards: If you have received any industry awards, honors, or recognition, consider including them to stand out.
Relevant Projects: Include relevant personal or professional projects that demonstrate your skills and abilities, especially if they align with the job requirements.
Keywords: Incorporate industry-specific keywords and phrases relevant to the job. Many employers use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes based on keywords.
Professional Experience: If you have several years of experience, focus on the last 10-15 years of your career. Earlier experiences can be summarized without extensive detail.
Use a clean and professional design.
Use a readable font (e.g., Arial, Calibri) and a font size between 10-12 points.
Use bullet points and consistent formatting for each section.
Use bold or italics sparingly to emphasize important points.
Length: Aim for a one-page resume for early-career professionals and recent graduates. If you have extensive experience, a two-page resume is acceptable.
Proofread: Check for typos, grammatical errors, and formatting inconsistencies. A flawless resume demonstrates attention to detail.
References: It’s generally not necessary to include references on your resume. You can provide them separately if requested.
Include a Cover Letter: If possible, accompany your resume with a tailored cover letter that explains your interest in the position and highlights how your skills align with the job.
Update Regularly: Keep your resume up to date with your latest achievements and experiences, so you’re prepared to apply for opportunities at any time.
Remember, your resume is a marketing tool to showcase your qualifications and suitability for the job. Tailor it for each application, and focus on presenting your accomplishments and skills in the best possible light.

How do I build a strong resume?

Building a strong resume involves a combination of strategic thinking, clear communication, and showcasing your relevant skills and experiences. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create a powerful resume:
Understand the Purpose:
Your resume is a marketing tool to highlight your qualifications and convince employers that you’re a strong fit for the job.
Gather Information:
Collect information about your work experiences, education, skills, certifications, projects, and any relevant achievements.
Choose a Format:
Select a resume format that suits your career stage and goals (chronological, functional, or combination).
Contact Information:
Place your full name, phone number, professional email address, and location at the top of the resume.
Write a Compelling Summary/Objective:
If using a summary, write a brief paragraph highlighting your skills, experiences, and what you bring to the table.
If using an objective, state your career goals and how you plan to contribute to the employer.
Highlight Key Skills:
Create a dedicated section listing skills relevant to the job. Use industry keywords and phrases.
Showcase Work Experience:
For each job, include the job title, company name, location, and dates worked.
Use bullet points to detail responsibilities and, more importantly, accomplishments and impact.
Quantify achievements whenever possible (e.g., “increased customer satisfaction by 15%”).
Emphasize Achievements:
Focus on outcomes, results, and contributions rather than just job duties.
Detail Education:
Include your degrees, institutions, graduation dates, and relevant coursework.
Add honors, awards, and extracurricular activities if they demonstrate your skills or dedication.
Incorporate Relevant Projects:
Highlight personal, academic, or professional projects that showcase your skills and expertise.
Tailor for Each Job:
Customize your resume for each application. Highlight experiences and skills that match the job description.
Use Action Verbs:
Begin bullet points with action verbs to make your accomplishments more impactful (e.g., “managed,” “developed,” “led”).
Quantify Your Achievements:
Use numbers and percentages to quantify the impact you’ve made in previous roles.
Include Additional Sections (Optional):
Add sections like certifications, languages, volunteer work, or professional memberships if they’re relevant.
Format Consistently:
Maintain a consistent format, font, and spacing throughout the resume.
Use bullet points for easy readability.
Proofread Thoroughly:
Check for spelling, grammar, and formatting errors.
Consider asking a friend or mentor to review your resume as well.
Focus on Relevance:
Prioritize recent and relevant experiences on your resume.
Be Honest:
Present accurate information about your experiences and achievements. Avoid exaggeration.
Keep It Concise:
Aim for a one-page resume for early-career professionals. If you have extensive experience, two pages are acceptable.
Update Regularly:
Continuously update your resume as you gain new experiences and skills.
Remember, a strong resume is not just about listing everything you’ve done, but about presenting your qualifications in a way that resonates with the employer’s needs. Customize it for each application, focusing on how you can contribute value to the specific role and company.

Final thought

In the dynamic realm of professional advancement, a meticulously written resume remains an indispensable tool. A thoughtfully crafted resume not only presents your qualifications but also reflects your dedication to your career journey. Remember, your resume should be a living document, evolving with each new experience and accomplishment. As you traverse your career path, keep refining and tailoring your resume to align with your goals. By embracing the art of resume writing, you empower yourself to stand out among a sea of applicants, making a lasting impression on prospective employers and propelling yourself towards success.

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