Overall, this graphic aims to provide insights on finding motivated sellers in California’s real estate market

Real Estate Skip Tracing for Motivated Sellers in California: Elevate Your Real Estate Game

Overall, this graphic aims to provide insights on finding motivated sellers in California’s real estate market
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Who We Are?

We empower California realtors, investors, wholesalers, and agents with the tools to find motivated sellers. Through our proven skip-tracing methods, you’ll gain access to accurate contact information, allowing you to connect with potential clients and expand your business. We are passionate about helping real estate professionals (realtors, investors, wholesalers, and agents) achieve success by streamlining the lead generation process. Our mission is to empower real estate professionals by connecting them with motivated sellers. With our expertise, we streamline the process of property acquisitions, enabling our clients to capitalize on lucrative opportunities in the dynamic California market. Let us help you elevate your real estate game in California.

Discover Our Expertise

Happy Clients, Happy Us

real estate skip tracing for motivated sellers in california The image you provided appears to be a positive review by Sarah M. for Mujahid’s Skip Tracing service. According to the review, this service is highly effective in quickly finding motivated sellers, making it a game changer in the real estate industry.
real estate skip tracing for motivated sellers in california The image you provided appears to be a positive review by Alex K., praising Mujahid’s Skip Tracing service for being swift, accurate, and for uncovering hidden gems in real estate.

Why Choose Us

  1. Find Hidden Gems: Uncover motivated sellers in CA others miss.
  2. Fast & Accurate: Skip trace leads quickly with proven methods.
  3. Close More Deals: Get laser-focused leads ready to sell now.
  4. Dominate Your Market: Elevate your game with qualified leads.
  5. Stop Wasting Time: Focus on closing deals, not dead-end leads.
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Services we Offer

Tailored California Coverage

From bustling cities to serene suburbs, our skip-tracing targets every corner of California, uncovering lucrative opportunities.

Unearth Hidden Gems: Uncover Motivated Sellers Hiding in Plain Sight

Tired of chasing down dead-end leads? Wish you could find sellers truly motivated to unload their California property? Our real estate skip tracing service is your secret weapon. We go beyond basic searches to uncover hidden gems—sellers who might be absentee owners, facing divorce, or simply ready to move on. Imagine having a list brimming with potential deals, all waiting for your expertise. Stop sifting through sand for gold; let us show you the treasure trove waiting to be discovered.

Turbocharge Your Deal Flow: Fast & Accurate Skip Tracing

Skip-tracing can be a time-consuming hassle. But what if you could find accurate contact details for motivated sellers in a fraction of the time? Our team utilizes cutting-edge technology and proven methods to quickly track down elusive leads. No more wrestling with outdated phone numbers or wrong addresses. We’ll deliver skip-traced leads that are fresh, reliable, and ready to convert into real estate gold. Get ready to experience a surge in qualified sellers eager to discuss their California properties, all thanks to our efficient and dependable skip tracing service.

Laser-Focused Leads: Close More Deals with Targeted Sellers

Not all leads are created equal. Generic lists filled with unmotivated sellers can be a recipe for frustration. That’s why we go beyond just finding people; we target those who are most likely to sell now. Our skip tracing service hones in on motivated sellers in California facing situations like probate, pre-foreclosure, or inherited property. Imagine contacting sellers who are actively seeking solutions and eager to make a deal. With our laser-focused leads, closing deals becomes a breeze. Stop wasting time on tire-kickers and focus on converting motivated sellers into happy clients.

Elevate Your Real Estate Game: Dominate Your Market with Qualified Leads

The California real estate market is competitive. To stand out, you need a steady stream of high-quality leads. Our skip-tracing service arms you with the secret weapon you need to dominate your market. Imagine having exclusive access to a list of motivated sellers, all waiting for your expertise. Skip-traced leads allow you to target specific areas, property types, and seller situations, ensuring you connect with the perfect clients for your business. Stop playing catch-up with the competition and elevate your real estate game with our powerful lead generation solution.


That identifies delinquent or distressed properties scheduled to be sold at Auction. The Auctions list identifies properties that currently have a Notice of Trustee’s Sale or Notice of Sheriff’s Sale filed against them.

Bank Owned

Also known as REO (Real Estate Owned) or a Foreclosure. This list Identifies properties owned by a lender, such as a bank, that were not successfully sold at auction and have been repossessed by the lender.


Identifies all properties where one of the owners has an Active Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy filing.

Cash Buyers

Identifies non-owner occupied properties that were purchased through an all-cash transaction (i.e. no mortgage).


Identifies all properties where the owner has been flagged as having a divorce filing.

Failed Listings

A Failed Listing means a property was unable to sell on the MLS through the listing agent. This data is a good indicator that the property owner has motivation to sell.


Identifies a property that is currently for sale on the MLS that was purchased within the last 24 months (i.e., a property being “flipped”).

Free & Clear

Identifies properties that currently have no open mortgages.

High Equity

Identifies properties that have either (i) 50% or more equity, (ii) Less than 50% Loan-to-Value Ratio, or (iii) $100,000 or more in equity.


Identifies properties with an involuntary lien recorded against the property. This includes Tax Liens (Federal, State, Local), HOA Liens, Mechanics Lien, etc.

On Market

Identifies properties currently listed on the MLS with a status of Active, Pending, or Contingent.


Identifies properties that have missed mortgage payment(s) and where a default document has been filed by the lender. Pre-foreclosure document types include Notice of Default, Lis Pendens, Notice of Trustee’s Sale (Auction) or Notice of Sheriff’s Sale (Auction).

Pre-Probate (Deceased Owners)

Pre-Probate identifies all properties where one of the owners on a property title has been identified as being deceased. 

Senior Owners

Identifies properties where the current ownership (i) exceeds 25 years or (ii) the property owner has a senior tax exemption or (iii) the current owner has an open reverse mortgage.

Tax Delinquency

Identifies properties where the county Tax Assessor has indicated that the owner has failed to pay their property taxes on time.

Tired Landlords

Identifies non-owner-occupied properties (i.e. rentals) where the current ownership exceeds 15 years.


Identifies properties currently flagged as being Vacant by the US Postal Service.

Vacant Land

A parcel of land that does not contain any physical structures on it.

Zombie Properties

Identifies properties that are currently in Pre-Foreclosure and the property has been flagged as being Vacant by the US Postal Service.

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Real Estate Skip Tracing for Motivated Sellers in California: Your Gateway to Lucrative Deals

Are you seeking a competitive edge in the California real estate market? Look no further. Our skip tracing services are tailored for real estate investors, agents, and professionals like you, aiming to unlock hidden opportunities and maximize your investment potential.

How Skip Tracing Works

What is Skip Tracing?

Skip tracing is the process of locating individuals or property owners. In the real estate context, it involves finding motivated sellers who may not be easily accessible through conventional methods.

The Process

Our skip tracing process begins with gathering data from various sources, including public records, online databases, and social media. We then use specialized tools and techniques to trace the owners of properties, uncovering valuable contact details such as phone numbers and addresses.

Ethical Practices

We adhere to strict ethical standards and comply with all relevant laws and regulations, ensuring that our skip tracing methods are both effective and legal. Your privacy and the privacy of property owners are paramount to us.

Why Choose Our Services

Accuracy and Reliability

Our skip tracing services are known for their accuracy and reliability. We use advanced tools and methodologies to ensure that the data we provide is up-to-date and trustworthy.

Tailored Solutions

We understand that every real estate professional has unique needs and preferences. That’s why we offer customized skip tracing solutions that cater to your specific requirements.

Comprehensive Coverage

Whether you’re targeting absentee owners, pre-foreclosure properties, or vacant properties, our skip tracing services cover a wide range of property types and ownership situations.

Time and Cost Efficiency

Skip tracing can be a time-consuming and costly process if done manually. Our services are designed to save you time and money, allowing you to focus on closing deals and growing your business.

Expertise and Experience

With years of experience in the real estate industry, our team of skip tracers has the expertise and skills needed to deliver exceptional results. We know the California real estate market inside out and can help you identify the most lucrative opportunities.

How Our Services Can Benefit You

Lead Generation

Our skip tracing services can help you generate high-quality leads, putting you in touch with motivated sellers who are ready to make a deal.

Marketing Strategy

Skip tracing is a powerful marketing tool that can help you target your audience more effectively. By identifying potential leads and their contact details, you can tailor your marketing efforts for maximum impact.

Competitive Edge

In today’s competitive real estate market, having access to accurate and up-to-date data is crucial. Our skip tracing services give you the edge you need to stay ahead of the competition.

Increased Efficiency

By outsourcing your skip tracing needs to us, you can free up valuable time and resources that can be better spent on other aspects of your business.

Compliance and Privacy

We take compliance and privacy laws seriously. When you use our skip tracing services, you can rest assured that your data and the data of property owners are handled with the utmost care and in accordance with all relevant regulations.

Get Started Today

Don’t let valuable deals slip through your fingers. Contact us today to learn more about how our skip tracing services can help you elevate your real estate game in California.