sourcing & recruitment

top 2 freelance Sourcing & Recruitment

sourcing & recruitment
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Published by
Maya Khans

Sourcing and recruitment are crucial components of any organization’s human resource strategy. In today’s highly competitive job market, companies must have a well-planned recruitment process to attract and retain top talent. Sourcing is the process of identifying and attracting potential candidates, while recruitment is the process of hiring them. The success of an organization depends heavily on its ability to source and recruit the right people with the right skills and experience.

1 –  Help you find a talented and skilled Filipino worker by Jheckmorales

If you’re searching for a skilled and reliable worker from the Philippines, your search ends here! Being a Filipino worker myself, I deeply understand the importance of hard work, dedication, and producing high-quality output.

I can offer my assistance in finding the perfect Filipino worker for your project or business requirements. Whether it’s a virtual assistant, content writer, graphic designer, or any other skilled professional, I can connect you with talented individuals who possess the necessary skills and experience.

My services encompass conducting a thorough search for Filipino workers that align with your specific requirements, shortlisting and recommending qualified candidates for your review and selection, and providing guidance and assistance throughout the hiring process, from initial interviews to onboarding.

I am dedicated to helping you discover the best Filipino worker who can deliver top-notch work and exceed your expectations. Let’s collaborate and create a prosperous business partnership!

2 – Provide you csr and VA officer remote staff as per your requirements by Ecomsol123

We provide a wide range of Consultancy Services and Solutions, including:

  1. E-commerce (Sellers & Dropship)
  2. Accountancy (CA, CPA)
  3. Finance
  4. Auditing
  5. Taxation for the USA
  6. Data Scrapping (Dropship & Drop services)
  7. Company Payrolls
  8. ERP Software Design
  9. Google (Shopping, Merchant, Reviews)
  10. Digital Marketing & SEO (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest)
  11. Keyword Research (For E-commerce)
  12. Mental Health Advice Consultancy
  13. Website Creation and Design
  14. Application Creation and Design (Android & iOS)
  15. AWS Tech Node.js DynamoDB

We have been working with Amazon Seller, Walmart, Shopify, Bonanza, Etsy, and eBay for the past five years.


How do recruiters get paid, and how much? Do they get paid in milestones (like when the candidate has a phone interview, then for an in-person interview, then an offer)? Or do they get paid only if the candidate accepts the offer?

Recruiters can get paid in a few different ways depending on the type of employment they are recruiting for and the specific terms of their agreement with the client company.
Contingency fee: This is a common payment model where the recruiter is only paid if they successfully place a candidate in the job. Typically, the fee is a percentage of the candidate’s first-year salary and can range from 15-30% depending on the industry and level of the position. The payment is made after the candidate accepts the job offer and starts working at the company.
Retainer fee: In this model, the company pays the recruiter upfront to start the search process. The payment can be made in installments or as a lump sum. The fee is typically a percentage of the estimated first-year salary, but it can also be a flat fee. This model is often used for high-level executive searches or hard-to-fill positions.
Hourly or project-based fee: Some recruiters charge by the hour or for specific services, such as resume screening or interview coaching. This payment model is less common and is usually used for smaller or one-time recruiting projects.
In terms of payment milestones, it varies depending on the agreement between the recruiter and the company. Some may receive partial payments at different stages of the recruiting process, such as after the initial screening or after a successful interview. However, most recruiters receive the full payment only after the candidate accepts the job offer and starts working at the company.

Does open-source contribution help to get a good job? Do recruiters see my FOSS contribution as a skill? Will that help me get a decent job at Google/Microsoft/Amazon?

Yes, the open-source contribution can definitely help you get a good job, especially in the technology industry. Many recruiters and hiring managers see open-source contributions as a valuable indicator of a candidate’s skills and experience. Contributing to open-source projects demonstrates your ability to work collaboratively with others, problem-solving skills, and a commitment to learning and improving.
Companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon are known to value open-source contributions and often seek out candidates who have experience contributing to open-source projects. These companies have their own open-source projects and contribute to other open-source projects as well. Therefore, showing your contributions to open-source projects can be a valuable asset to your job search.
In addition to helping you stand out from other candidates, contributing to open-source projects can also help you develop new skills and gain experience working on real-world projects. This experience can be useful not just in your job search but also in your career development.
Therefore, if you are interested in working for companies like Google, Microsoft, or Amazon, contributing to open-source projects is a great way to showcase your skills and experience and increase your chances of landing a job.

What is the difference between sourcing, recruitment, staffing, and selection?

Sourcing, recruitment, staffing, and selection are all important stages in the hiring process, but they refer to different aspects of the process. Here are the definitions of each term:
Sourcing: This refers to the process of finding and attracting potential job candidates. This can involve a range of methods, such as job postings, social media outreach, networking events, employee referrals, and more. The goal of sourcing is to create a pool of qualified candidates to consider for open positions.
Recruitment: This refers to the process of actively seeking out and evaluating candidates for a specific job opening. Recruitment includes the initial screening of resumes and cover letters, conducting phone and in-person interviews, and other assessments of candidate qualifications.
Staffing: This refers to the overall management of a company’s workforce, including hiring, training, scheduling, and evaluating employees. Staffing can also refer to the process of hiring temporary or contract workers to meet short-term business needs.
Selection: This refers to the final stage of the hiring process, where a candidate is chosen for the job. This involves reviewing all of the information gathered during the sourcing and recruitment stages, evaluating the candidate’s qualifications, and making a job offer.
In summary, sourcing is about creating a pool of potential candidates, recruitment is about evaluating those candidates for a specific job opening, staffing is about managing a company’s workforce, and selection is about choosing the best candidate for the job.

Final thought

Sourcing and recruitment are vital to the success of any organization. A well-planned recruitment strategy can help companies attract and retain top talent, improve employee retention rates, and ultimately contribute to the company’s growth and success. By utilizing the latest recruitment technologies and techniques, companies can streamline their recruitment process and improve the quality of their hires. In today’s highly competitive job market, organizations must focus on their sourcing and recruitment efforts to stay ahead of the competition and attract the best candidates.

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